Monday Jun 27, 2022

Holy Curiosity: War Stories

June 26: War Stories - Joshua 6

Reflect:  What do you consider to be Joshua’s strengths as a leader? What do you find disturbing about this story?  How do you balance the good news and bad news in this story?

Connect:. Have a conversation with someone about these questions: What are some hard questions you have about the Bible that perhaps you’ve been afraid to confront? What does it look like for you to “face these questions head-on, mind and heart fully engaged, willing to risk the loss of faith if that’s where the search leads”? And what might it mean to continue in your faith, even if your questions and doubts are not fully resolved?

Act:  Choose a scripture that has brought you doubts or has been the source of your hard questions. Read it everyday this week and see if you can approach it with curiosity, so that when you have doubts about scripture you can more fully engage it instead of turning away from it.

Digging deeper

The book of Joshua is a remembered history, written centuries after the event when Israel was a world power in its day.  What might have been the actual story before storytelling embellishments became part of the story?  After careful reading of the text, what evidence might you cite that this is an embellished story?

Music by AudioCoffee from Pixabay

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