Sunday Jun 12, 2022

Holy Curiosity: Origin Stories

June 12: Origin stories - Genesis 1 


Biblical scholars would tell us we need to pay attention when words repeat in a segment of scripture.  What do you think is the purpose/power of the repetition of the phrase ‘God said it was good’? What does this passage suggest to you about the purpose and character of God?


We each bring our own viewpoint to this story based on life experiences, relationships, and beliefs. What relationships have been important in informing your viewpoints to this text? How has your set of eyes changed over time? We encourage you to read and discuss this text with someone who has a different viewpoint than you. How does their understanding of this text expand your understanding?


Before God could call anything good, God had to see. Our youth are serving an often unseen group of people, the refugee population, in Fort Worth on their Mission Trip. Their act of service is an embodiment of seeing and reciting God’s refrain that they too are “good”. You are invited to pray for them this week, and if you would like to get involved in refugee work we encourage you to participate in Northridge Without Borders. 


Music by AudioCoffee from Pixabay

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